Professor Klopp has always been extremely open about her life and what led her to become the most well-known and successful of all the cosmetic surgeons in the world. However, it was not always this way.

Simone’s anxiety and neurosis were running havoc, Professor Klopp was barely functioning and feeling like she wasn’t designed for an existence in this life.

Her cosmetic surgery clinic was just about ticking over and her life was unfulfilling. She was considering suicide as a way out of a life not too dissimilar to a mental hell. Simone hoped her trip from LA to London, for a conference, would give her a new perspective and enable her to choose life. There she met two people who would change her life forever.

The first was a graphic designer who photoshopped faces into ‘Everyday Cyclops‘, giving her the idea to try and develop it as a cosmetic procedure.

The second was fellow surgeon Dr Von Eyid, who, as you will see in a moment, has a twisted and warped mind.

Dr Von Eyid gave Professor Klopp a purpose to live for and together they developed the patented ‘Cycloped’ cosmetic procedure. A cosmetic surgery she eventually had done to herself by Dr Von Eyid.


This 4 step overview sharing how we perform the patented ‘Cycloped’ Eye Reduction Surgery belies the complexity of this procedure.

Cycloped Step 1


Professionally and delicately each eye is removed from the face.

Cycloped Step 2


One eye is safely stored whilst the other is soaked in our patented ‘Cycloped’ fluid to enable the eye to expand in size.

Cycloped Step 3


With the perfect mix of strength, gentleness and art we resculpt the face.

Cycloped Step 4


The resized eye is reconnected with precision and tested to ensure optimal vision.


If you love this site and are interested in our fictional cosmetic work, this book is for you.

It shares how Professor Si Klopp and her assistant came up with the idea to develop this pretend patented ‘Cycloped’ procedure. It shares the mock-ups of the work we have pretended to do. Additionally, this book predicts the next step in the evolution of having one eye.

Have you ever wondered:

  • If little cyclopic creatures live around us?
  • What humans or animals would look like as everyday cyclops?
  • What happens if a cyclops has a poorly eye?
  • If you can be in future ‘Cycloped’ books?

Well, wonder no more, this book answers those questions just for you.